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'Cowboy from the Future' - Cassandra Gannon



No doubt about it, Adeline Mulhaney’s “Glamping Retreat” in Yellowstone National Park is the worst vacation ever.

The campfire sing-alongs are bad enough, but when an earthquake strikes and she hits her head, things get even worse. Addy is somehow transported sixteen hundred years into the future.

Only instead of the flying cars that Hollywood predicted, this future is filled with buffalo-sized lizards and laser-gun showdowns in the streets. Luckily, the handsomest cowboy in this Wild West nightmare just happens to have superpowers and he’s eager to lend her a hand.

Sort of.

Cade Westin isn’t sure what to think when the strange redhead wanders into his saloon. Addy speaks in an antiquated language, wears bizarre clothes, and keeps asking for something called “coffee.” The woman is crazy.

Against his better judgement, though, Cade agrees to help Adeline find her way back to this mysterious “Why ‘o Ming” place. But, when Addy’s knowledge of the past puts her life in danger, not even wild Ghaa beasts can stop Cade from riding to the rescue. He isn’t sure where the little lunatic comes from, but deep down he knows that she only belongs with him.


“If we don’t try to change the impossible, then nothing would ever change.”




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