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'The Kindred's Curse Saga' - Penn Cole


Spark of the Everflame (#1)


Glow of the Everflame (#2)


Heat of the Everflame (#3)



When old secrets catch fire, everything will burn.

In a mortal world colonized by the gods and ruled over by the Descended, their cruel offspring, Diem Bellator yearns to escape the insular life of her poor village.

Her mother’s sudden disappearance—and the discovery of a dangerous secret about her past—offer Diem an unexpected opportunity to enter the dark world of Descended royalty and unlock the web of mysteries her mother left behind.

With the dying King’s handsome, mysterious heir watching her every move, and a ruthless mortal alliance recruiting her to join the growing civil war, Diem will have to navigate the unwritten rules of love, power, and politics in order to save her family—and all of mortalkind.


“Do it,” he said again. “Kill me, if that’s what you think I deserve. But if you do, give me one favor before I go.”
His pulse throbbed against my blood-soaked hand, his heartbeat racing to match my own.
“Favor?” I managed to ask, despite the heady fog clouding my thoughts.
Without pulling away from my dagger, he turned his face, hot breath spilling over my cheek as his mouth trailed the line of my jaw. His eyes rose to mine. “Let me die with the taste of you on my lips.”
Our lips collided, and I was lost.


“You are my Queen, and I am your sword. Point me at your enemies, and watch them fall. Lead this world, Diem, and I will follow you—into war, into death, into the tundra of hell itself.”
He took my palm and set it against his chest, just above the patch of unscarred skin that lay beneath his jacket.
“You are the fate my heart was spared for. As long as it beats, you will never fight alone.”


“Desire?” He gave a dark, throaty laugh. “Desire is a pathetic word for what I feel for you. I require you. I am sustained by you. You are the flame that fuels my fire. Don’t you dare question that—not for a second.”


"And I promise you this—I will love you for as long as love exists.”


@azukiarts, @searland_art, @charlotteslegers, @falloutbryan




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