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'His Secret Illuminations' (The Warrior's Guild #1) - Scarlett Gale



A Sheltered Monk


By day, Lucían brews potions and illuminates manuscripts in service to the monastery that took him in as a child, wielding magic based in his faith and his purity. By night, he dreams of the world outside the cloister—a world he knows only in books and scrolls...


A Mysterious Warrior


A mercenary known as the She-Wolf hunts for a shipment of stolen manuscripts. When she needs a mage to track them down, she chooses Lucían for both his adorable blushes and his magic. She purchases his contract, hurling him headfirst into an adventure that will test both his skills and his self-control...


A Sacred Vow


Inexorably drawn to the She-Wolf's strength, surprising kindness, and heated touches, Lucían fights temptation at every turn. His holy magic is both vital to their mission and dependent upon his purity. How can he serve both her and the Lord if he gives in to his desire? As intrigue and danger forces them closer, how can he possibly resist?


Amusement glints in her green eyes. “You’ll have to tell me all the rumors later. I love hearing stories about myself.”
Her obvious pleasure makes him bold. “Are they all rumors, my lady?”
The She-Wolf’s smile turns positively feral. “Not all of them, Brother Lucían.”
She leans in close to his face, her eyes boring into his. “I am, after all, still the She-Wolf.”
Her bared teeth snap next to his ear, and she rumbles a growl that he feels through his entire body.


“Because in that whole place, you were the only one who looked at me like I was a person and not a nuisance.
Because when I looked at you I could see adventure hiding behind your eyes.
Because you gave me a tomato, even when you shouldn’t have.”
Glory reaches across the table and sets a finger gently under his chin, tilting his head up until he’s forced to make eye contact with her. Her eyes make his heart stop beating.
Looking at her in this moment as she takes her hand away is the bravest thing he’s ever done.
She smiles at him, that private smile he saw before, and proceeds to absolutely destroy him when she finishes, “I did it because you were so kind and caged, and I wanted to see you kind and free.”


“What would you like to do, Lucían?”
Lucían knows his answer, knows it deep in his bones, knows it as much as he knows he needs to breathe air in order to live. He would follow this wonderful, impossible, glorious woman into hell and thank her for it. He would throw himself in front of an arrow for her, drain all of his magical energies for her, do anything she asked if he thought it would make her happy. He takes a deep breath and folds his hands in his lap where he can hide their shaking.
“Glory,” he says quietly, as steadily as he can. “I think I’d like to come with you, if you’ll have me.”
Her smile is like the sunshine on snow. It blinds him. “Yes, Lucían,” she says, her acceptance washing over him like a sunbeam. “I’d like that very much.”


“Are you angry, Lucían, because of what happened at the Gala, or because of what didn’t happen?” A tilt of her torso and she’s leaning forward, rising over him on her knees. “Are you upset because I stopped?”
Lucían can’t breathe, can’t think, there’s only the She-Wolf, slowly moving closer, and he watches her come, can’t look away, yes, this is what he wants.
“Do you want me,” she continues, pressing close enough that he has to lean away, “to take what I want?”
Still she presses closer, and he either has to lay down or move back, so he slides down to his elbows, her broad thighs bracketing his legs as she kneels over him.
“Do you want me to take the choice and the responsibility away from you, Lucían?”




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