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'That Time I Got Drunk and Saved a Demon' (Mead Mishaps #1) - Kimberly Lemming



All I wanted to do was live my life in peace.

Maybe get a cat, expand my spice farm. Really anything that doesn’t involve going on a quest where an orc might rip my face off. But they say the Goddess has favorites. If so, I’m clearly not one of them.

After saving the demon Fallon in a wine-drunk stupor, all he wanted to do was kill an evil witch enslaving his people.

I mean, I get it. Don't get me wrong. But he's dragging me along for the ride, and I'm kind of peeved about it. On the bright side, he keeps burning off his shirt.


His coal eyes took me in with a downright predatory expression as a crooked smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. “I don’t think I’ll be letting you go after we finish this quest.”
Fireflies danced a lively jig in the pit of my stomach. “W-what do you m-mean?” The question came out with a stammer as his free hand traced my collarbone and up my neck.
A devilish grin sent shock waves straight to my core. “I mean, I'm going to take you as my wife when this is all over.”
“That wasn't part of the deal, demon!” I imagine my retort would sound a lot stronger if it didn't come out so desperately.
“Then you shouldn't have been so horribly interesting.”




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