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'Not Another Vampire Book' - Cassandra Gannon



What’s worse than editing the stupidest supernatural romance novel ever written? Getting stuck inside of it.

Karalynn Donnelly has somehow been transported into Eternal Passion at Sunset, a vampire love story filled with enough clichés, anachronisms, and run-on sentences to drive any hardworking book editor insane.

To make matters worse, Kara accidently prevents the story’s hero and heroine from even meeting. Now Slade, the idiot Vampire King, thinks Kara’s his destined mate and Melessa, his actual bride, has run off to join a Wild West show. If Kara’s going to find her way home, she needs to get this story back on track. But, teaming up with the novel’s bad guy might not be the best place to start.

Damien, last of the Wizard-Warlocks, thinks Kara is the key to destroying his archenemy Slade. Snarky, charismatic, and unrepentantly villainous, Damien hates the Vampires and he’s very interested in what Karalynn might know about all the changes happening in his world. Somehow, Kara has to reunite Slade and Melessa, dodge kidnapping Vampires, fight fire breathing dragons, and deal with her own growing feelings for a handsome bad guy who’s starting to seem an awful lot like her knight in shining armor….


Damien’s jaw got tight, his thumb tracing over the last sentence. She’d added a heart after it. His Beloved. His cari. His beautiful, odd, softhearted, innocent, sneaky, reckless mate.
Who gave him such peace. Who he would lay down and die for without a second thought. Who he loved more than all the other beings who’d ever existed in the history of the universe combined...
…And who he now planned to horribly murder.


“You’re threatening me with my own prisoner? You’re holding my hostage hostage in order to keep me as your hostage?”
“Absolutely.” He was smug, now.


He’d abducted Kara from Slade and she’d damn well stay abducted. The woman was his destiny. His doom. His.


“I will not leave you.”
And I won’t allow you to leave me, either.




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