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'Wolf Gone Wild' (Stay a Spell #1) - Juliette Cross



What's the worst thing that can happen to a werewolf? Unable to shift for three months, Mateo Cruz knows all too well.

His wolf has taken up residence in his head, taunting him night and day with vividly violent and carnal thoughts. Convinced he's cursed, he needs the help of a powerful witch before he literally goes insane.

​Evie Savoie has always obeyed the house rules of her coven — no werewolves. They're known for being moody and volatile. So, when a distempered, dangerous werewolf strolls into the bar and almost strangles one of her late-night customers, she's ready to bounce him through the door. But the desperation in his eyes when he begs her to help him softens her heart and convinces her to bend the rules.

​What Evie doesn't know is that Mateo's wolf has a mind of his own. And now that she's in his sights, he wants only one thing. Her.


“Mateo,” I choked out.
“You’re my fucking hero.”
“No.” He let out a self-deprecating kind of laugh. “I’m your slave.” The rough pads of his fingers slipped to the bare skin in the middle of my back, circling and raising goosebumps on my skin. “I’ll do anything you ask. Go anywhere you go.”
“Even to a cocktail party for witches only.”
“I’d go to hell for you if I had to.”
“Well, this isn’t much different.”
He chuckled then let out a shaky breath. His eyes turned molten. “Not from where I’m standing.”


I knew then and there that he’d put the most powerful spell of all on me. The one that launched a thousand ships and waged wars and toppled kingdoms. The one that compelled kings to forsake their oaths for a woman. The one that would beguile me to do anything—anything—for him. I recognized this emotion for what it was and tried not to tremble as it swept through me on a tidal wave.






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