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'On The Edge' (The Edge #1) - Ilona Andrews



In The Broken, people shop at Walmart, and magic only lives in fairy tales; in The Weird, aristocrats still rule and the strength of your magic controls your fate; and The Edge is the borderland where anything can happen...

Rose Drayton and her two young brothers live in the Edge and are among the most gifted of the people there. In Rose's case, her abilities are so powerful that men from the Edge and the Weird want to marry her. So, when Declan Camarine – a blueblood noble from one of the Weird's most powerful families – shows up she tells him what she's told all the others: Go away!

But Declan offers Rose a challenge – Give him three tasks, and if he completes them, she will belong to him; if he fails, he'll leave and never return. Coming up with must-fail plans is soon the least of Rose's concerns: first, Declan is becoming a little too appealing; second the boys actually like him; and then the terrible magic-stealing hounds come...and it looks like working together is the only way to stop them and save The Edge.


It was like walking next to a tiger who decided that he liked you: Declan held her hand lightly, but he wasn't about to let her get away.
He squeezed her fingers. In that moment Rose felt a connection between them, an alarmingly intimate bond. She glanced at him to reassure herself she was imagining this and saw the same thought mirrored on his face: he had her hand and he liked it.


"I mean to have you, Rose, you and all of your thorns. I'm a disagreeable and stubborn bastard, but I'm not a fool. You didn't really expect me to pass you up, did you?"


Their stares connected, and there was something so arresting and possessive in his grass green eyes that words died on her lips. He looked at her like she was some great treasure. Like nothing else mattered.
He looked at her like he loved her.




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