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'Eyes of Silver, Eyes of Gold' - Ellen O'Connell



Eyes of Silver, Eyes of Gold is a story of family conflicts set in Colorado in 1885.

Anne Wells has embarrassed her rigidly proper family since she was a child with occasional but grievous lapses from ladylike behavior.

They blame those lapses for the disgraceful fact that she is a spinster at 28. Cord Bennett, the son of his father's second marriage to a Cheyenne woman, is more than an embarrassment to his well-to-do family of ranchers and lawyers - they are ashamed and afraid of their black sheep.

When Anne and Cord are found alone together, her father's fury leads to violence. Cord's family is more than willing to believe that the fault is his.

Can Anne and Cord use the freedom of being condemned for sins they didn't commit to make a life together? Or will their disapproving, interfering families tear them apart?


Maybe occasionally the gods designed a woman fit for a king or a prince and gave her to an ordinary man. Maybe they did such a thing once in a while, knowing an ordinary man would treasure her more, love her better. Maybe they even let him keep her— for a while.


Her hands cupped his face, thumbs caressing his cheekbones. “I love you, Mr. Bennett.”
“Good thing. Hate to be the only one afflicted.”


//wasn't originally gonna make the library but these characters have stuck in my head for weeks after I finished so here we are - wild, beautiful and unique romance.



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