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'A Kinda Fairytale' series - Cassandra Gannon


Wicked Ugly Bad (#1)



Once Upon a Time…

Scarlett Riding is NOT an ugly stepsister. Cinderella is the evil one in the family and Letty is determined to prove it. Unfortunately, that’s kinda hard to do from behind bars. After the debacle at the ball, Letty and her sister Dru were dragged off to the Wicked, Ugly and Bad Mental Health Treatment Center and Maximum Security Prison. While Cindy’s planning her dream wedding, her two stepsisters are being forced to endure life in the dreariest dungeon in the land.

Luckily, Letty has a plan to change that unhappy ending. If she can just get to Prince Charming and prove the glass slipper doesn’t fit Cinderella’s foot, she can reclaim her life. In order to do that, though, she needs to convince The Big Bad Wolf to lend a hand in organizing a jailbreak.

Marrok Wolf isn’t sure what to make of the idealistic redhead in his group therapy sessions. With fifty counts of Badness on his criminal record, Marrok’s used to being surrounded by crooks and scumbags. Scarlett wants to lecture him about equal rights for trolls! When the little do-gooder comes up with an elaborate plan to break their entire “share circle” out of prison, though, Marrok is certainly willing to go along with the plot. And not just because he wants to see her naked. The woman may not be wicked, ugly, or Bad, but she’s definitely the only one who can save him.

Together with a wicked witch, a timid bridge ogre, an evil prince, and other villains straight out of a storybook, Scarlett and Marrok are about to make sure that Baddies finally have a happily ever after.


“Baby, I don’t even know how to be gentle.” He said honestly. “If I were a Good guy, I really would walk away and leave you. Since I’m not going to do that, you should be the one to leave. I want you very, very much and I’ll cheat if that’s what it takes to keep you for myself.”
She tilted her head. “If you’re so wholly Bad, why are you warning me about it?”
“Because,” he held up their connected palms, “you’re the only one who holds my hand.”


Seducing the Sheriff of Nottingham (#5)



Maid Marion has a chance to redo her life.

Ten years ago she was sent to the Wicked Ugly and Bad Prison for murdering the Sheriff of Nottingham. One small problem: She didn’t do it! Now, magic is sending the former Good girl back in time to set things right.

Marion’s embraced her Badness, this time around. She’ll get revenge on her selfish ex-boyfriend, Robin Hood, make Nottingham pay for all the ways they screwed her over, and save the handsome, gargoyle sheriff from his real killer.

…And while she’s at it, she’ll seduce that brooding man and claim her real happily ever after!


“I’ve also been considering my earlier worries about your reputation and it occurs to me I was thinking about it all wrong. If you’re me… what’s the downside in publically compromising you?”
“Well,” Marion drawled out, suddenly seeing his grand plan. “If you ruin a Maid, you have to marry her. It’s only gentlemanly.”
“Exactly. So, I think I’m going to ruin you. Thoroughly. Then, all the noble idiots will stay away. No one else will come riding to your rescue, duchess. You’ll be stuck with just me.” He smirked at his own genius. “Once you’re a fallen woman… I’ll be the only one who can catch you.”


Happily Ever Witch (#6)



Esmeralda the wicked witch is having a lousy week. She’s fallen through a rabbit hole and landed in Wonderland, a cheerful, tea-partying place that no self-respecting villain ever wants to visit. People are threatening to chop off her head, unless she wakes up a sleeping dragon with True Love’s kiss.

And not just any dragon.

Trevelyan, Last of the Green Dragons is the worst villain in the world and the sworn enemy of her chosen family. The guy is 98% Bad and 100% sure that Esmeralda now belongs to him. Soon, she’s locked an enchanted castle with the smirking maniac. If she doesn’t find a way out of this whimsical hellhole soon, Esmeralda will turn that sexy, disagreeable man into a frog.

…Just as soon as she’s done falling in love with him.


cw: reference to child SA, reference to sexual harrassment and SA


“Oh, I plan to meet any and all guitar players you want to bed. Introduce me to the boys.”
“I insist, darling.” His eyes glowed. “I’ll kill them, right in front of you. Then, I’ll fuck you myself, still covered in their blood and ashes.” His smile wasn’t particularly friendly. “I think we’d both like that.”
She glanced at him, not looking worried about the charcoaled fate of her precious record store clerks.
“I’ll even bring flowers, if you like. We can make a date of it. I know you enjoy those.”
“Only I’m not joking.” His tone was ominously soft. “I will brutally, instantly, savagely slaughter any man who touches you. I thought I made it clear yesterday, but I’m happy to prove it again. And again and again and again.”
“So that’s a rule, too, huh?”
“It’s the only goddamn rule.”


“Give me everything. That’s all I want. Just every single piece of you."




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